Sep 24, 2021 | Weingarten

CHG-MERIDIAN awarded silver medal by EcoVadis

The CHG-MERIDIAN Group unveiled its first comprehensive sustainability strategy in early 2021. The company has now been awarded a silver medal in the most recent EcoVadis rating based on globally accepted corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards. This puts the CHG-MERIDIAN Group in the top 25 percent of all companies assessed by EcoVadis.

Efforts pay off: CHG-MERIDIAN Group achieves silver status

The CHG-MERIDIAN Group is celebrating another major success for its sustainability strategy, as the international technology management and financing company has been awarded a silver medal in the latest EcoVadis sustainability rating.

“We are delighted to receive this accolade. We invested a lot in securing this award, and our efforts have paid off,” says Dr. Mathias Wagner, Chairman of the Board of Management of CHG-MERIDIAN. “The requirements that effective sustainability management must meet are increasing, and the reasons for this are as varied as the topic itself. They include more stringent regulatory requirements, for example in the shape of the new German Supply Chain Act, the varying interests of customers and funding partners, and the general shift in society toward greater sustainability. Silver status demonstrates in a clear and comparable way that we operate sustainably and are forging ahead in this area across our business.”

Since it was founded in 2007, EcoVadis has become the world’s most trusted provider of corporate sustainability ratings. The annual rating covers four overarching topics: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Through its ratings, EcoVadis provides all companies with a verifiable decision-making basis for working with their partners in global supply chains. According to its own figures, it has a global network of more than 75,000 rated companies, including many large corporations.

ecovadis Sustainability Rating

Sustainability has always been integral to our core business, and will remain so going forward

The CHG-MERIDIAN Group has considered itself part of the circular economy for over 40 years, helping to conserve resources and mitigate climate change through its business model and in its own operations. The considerable attention that the carbonZER0® product has attracted since its launch in early 2021 emphasises this. The product enables customers to make their IT infrastructure investments carbon-neutral.

Lifecycle thinking: CHG-MERIDIAN has followed the principles of the circular economy for more than 40 years. The Group refurbished and remarketed a total of 880,000 IT assets worldwide in 2020. The new carbonZER0® product also enables customers to make their IT infrastructure investments carbon-neutral.

“For us, sustainability is an ongoing and holistic process. We continually take into account the factors economy, environment, and community and welfare, which are equally crucial to successful, long-term business activities. Our new silver status guarantees us and our customers the best possible outlook for the future in a fast-moving market,” says Matthias Steybe, Group Sustainability Officer at CHG-MERIDIAN.

We are driving this process forward, and a lot has been done over the last twelve months. For example, CHG-MERIDIAN has published its first sustainability report and is pressing ahead with its preparations for ISO 14001 (environmental management system) and 45001 (occupational health and safety management system) certification. All of these sustainability management activities are handled by the Group Sustainability Office. The CHG-MERIDIAN Group also recently signed up to the United Nations Global Compact and its ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

“Our measures are aimed at shaping the sustainability debate and carrying it beyond the confines of our company. In doing so, we draw on our expertise gained from many years’ experience with our business model, which is based on the circular economy,” says Steybe. “At the same time, we want to profitably deploy our expertise as an efficient technology manager and financial expert across all levels, while ensuring that we deliver independent, evidence-based services to our customers and partners in the areas of IT, industrial technology, and healthcare technology.”

About the EcoVadis rating


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